January 7th, 2008
Well, I’m back… the holidays are past, and I took some time to get this strip written so we could get on with the story. Today’s strip is an insert that’s brand new to update the direction of the story from where it was going originally, which I didn’t like any more. Hopefully this new direction will work better for the long-term ideas I’ve got buzzing around in my head. A little fiddling with color, some more fiddling to come. Until next time, good luck!
December 17th, 2007
Welcome, wayfarer, to “Working the Void”. A new web comic with a dubious title and shaky beginnings. A new web comic that is my experiment where you get to watch me fumble about and try to crate something vaguely entertaining and fun.For now, I’ll be updating weekly (in an effort to make the original set last as long as possible) because I’m rather busy at the moment with work.I’m out of time for posting, so I’ll leave off here for now, but I do thank you for reading, and please feel free to comment on what you see here – your likes, dislikes, whatever.Thanks, and good luck -K