Wow – a week already?!

Happy February, all! Well, well – it’s been a week (or a tad over) already? Oof – ok, I’m behind. I’ve been noodling and toying with the next strip more than I should, really, but I’m liking how it’s shaping up. So, this week for sure.

Also, to answer a common question, “Working The Void” is a weekly update. I’m going to eventually get to the three-times-a-week level (ha ha – maybe), but work comes first, after all. But thanks to everyone for asking! I do really appreciate it. I love hearing from people either way about the strip (that’s the main idea behind this endeavor – a strip a week allows for people to ask questions, tell me what they like/don’t like, gives me time to work on the next strip, etc…) and hopefully learn new things in the process. So! Ask away, (you can leave a comment or email me, but let me know if you’d rather I didn’t post parts of your questions – I’ll never post your email address, though – rest assured) either about the strip, animation or art in general and I’ll do my best to answer or point you to someone who knows more than me.

Until next time, good luck, stay out of trouble, and thanks for stopping by.



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